Energising Learning
Providing learning solutions to individuals, schools, communities and organisations
Energising Learning
Providing learning solutions to individuals, schools, communities and organisations
Imagining empowered individuals and communities
Working with people through communities of learning to make a difference in performance and impact.
We support individuals, schools and communities accelerate performance and optimise their impact.
Creating networks with a focus on learning
Transforming Lives through Learning Communities

Teach Connect

Welcome to #REC 2024
Call for Proposal for the TC Rethinking Education Conference (#TC-REC 2024)
In our pursuit of finding the best ways and approaches to education provision in the 21st century, we are pleased to extend this invitation for the 5th Edition of The Rethinking Education Conference – Transforming Education: Empowering Teachers and Leaders for Innovation which will take place in Yaoundé, from the 19-20th of July 2024.
During the conference we will be presenting findings from the EmpowerED Project, -“The Critical Role and Impact of Continuous Professional Development for Teachers and Leaders” a TC-funded research project on the implementation of the EmpowerED Index in Primary and Secondary Schools, based on interviews with teachers, students, parents, and school heads and principals.
A key discourse during the conference will anchor on how teachers and school leaders can be empowered to rethink and redesign how the provision of education can power the development of knowledge and skills for the 21st-century job market that is technologically driven.
REC 2024 Report
Diverse experts, researchers and practitioners

Rethinking Education
National Centre for Education Research
Yaounde, Cameroon, West Africa
+237 683245600/682964721